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The 9th International Energy Conference
:: Volume 26, Issue 3 (12-2023) ::
IJE 2023, 26(3): 15-27 Back to browse issues page
Potential of using solar and wind energies to supply the required energy of a residential unit in the remote area of Guilan province
Mehdi Niajalili * , Ali Kochakinejad , Abbas Heidary Pashaki
TVU , mniajalili@tvu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1097 Views)
Due to the increase in environmental pollutants, the damage to the ozone layer and the reduction of fossil fuel resources, the need to use renewable energy has increased. On the other hand, in many remote areas, it is not possible to provide electricity power or it will be very expensive. Therefore, due to the existence of favorable conditions for the use of renewable energies in many regions, promoting the use of these technologies in these regions can reduce fuel consumption and environmental pollutants, It also facilitates the provision of energy to many remote areas. In this research, the conditions for the use of wind and solar renewable energy in Jirande city of Gilan province have been investigated. The parameters of sunny hours, clearness index, possible of sunny hours, wind speed and wind power in the study area are evaluated and finally a plan for the use of these renewable energies for remote areas in this region is given. According to the surveys, the average monthly amount of daily sunny hours is estimated to be at least 6 hours during the day. The clearness index is also above 0.55 in most days of the year. Meanwhile, the possibility of sunny hours is also calculated as acceptable. By examining the data related to wind speed and power, the possibility of using this energy in 88% of the days of the year has been estimated
Keywords: Energy, Wind, Solar, Remote, Clearness index, Power
Full-Text [PDF 826 kb]   (489 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Energy and Environment
Received: 2023/06/26 | Accepted: 2023/07/30 | Published: 2024/12/20
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Niajalili M, Kochakinejad A, Heidary Pashaki A. Potential of using solar and wind energies to supply the required energy of a residential unit in the remote area of Guilan province. IJE 2023; 26 (3) :15-27
URL: http://necjournals.ir/article-1-1858-en.html

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Volume 26, Issue 3 (12-2023) Back to browse issues page
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