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The 9th International Energy Conference
:: Volume 21, Issue 1 (6-2018) ::
IJE 2018, 21(1): 75-98 Back to browse issues page
Solar Energy Potentials and Radiation Map of Lorestan Province
Zeinab Akbari * , Fatemeh Dargahian , Mohammad Naser Hashemi
, z.akbari91@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3603 Views)

Solar energy is the most unique renewable energy source in the world and is the main source of all energy on Earth. Solar energy can be converted into other forms of energy directly and indirectly. In general, the energy given off by the sun about 3. 8 two 1023 kW per second. In the present study, the potential of solar energy in the province of surveillance data 9 synoptic stations located in the province during the monthly period (2014-2000) to create a database has been used. The data used are: (average temperature, average minimum temperature, average maximum temperature, average minimum humidity, sundial, cloudiness). Data on solar radiation measured during the period 2002-2007 Khorramabad stations for modeling and use the results to estimate the monthly radiation. Seasonal other parts of the province were used and Isocluster method in GIS environment was used for zoning radiation areas in the province. The results showed that July and summer, most of the radiation reaching the Earth's surface have found Stations Aligudarz, Kuhdasht and Poldokhtar always have high numbers of incoming radiation, but due to high temperature in two stations Poldokhtar and  Kuhdasht can be said that the station Aligudarz have the best conditions to install solar cells in the rest of the province

Keywords: Solar, Climate elements, Modeling, ISO cluster, Zoning, Lorestan
Full-Text [PDF 823 kb]   (1587 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Renewable Energy Technologies
Received: 2016/07/19 | Accepted: 2017/01/31 | Published: 2018/06/15
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Akbari Z, Dargahian F, Hashemi M N. Solar Energy Potentials and Radiation Map of Lorestan Province. IJE 2018; 21 (1) :75-98
URL: http://necjournals.ir/article-1-1103-en.html

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Volume 21, Issue 1 (6-2018) Back to browse issues page
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