Iislamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch , mohammadi.mohsen62@gmail.com
Abstract: (4226 Views)
Article 19 of the national building regulations is one of the important strategies of modern Iranian architecture, which can help to calculate and determine building materials in a warm and dry climate for thermal comfort. In order to discover the effect of this topic on thermal comfort. In this study, through the quantitative method and PMV, the effect of nineteenth building on winter temperature has been investigated in order to improve thermal comfort. In order to investigate the performance of chapter 19 in the semi-warm and dry climate of Shiraz, temperature, humidity and wind were measured with the help of a data logger TA120 during the period from 9 am to 16 pm, and then with the help of Fenger formula, the PMV rate and then the thermal dissipation of PPD Was obtained. the results of thermal comfort rate according to the 19th chapter of the National Building Regulations indicated that the rate of thermal comfort with the type of materials is directly related to the amount of radiation emitted by it. also, the type of materials and thermal insulation have caused the average thermal comfort in the building to be between -1.34 and +.19 degrees Celsius in winter and the amount of dissatisfaction of people from 13 pm to 16:00 in the range is favorable.
Mohammadi M, Moztarzadeh H. The effects of Article 19 of National Building Regulations on Thermal Comfort of Residential Spaces in Shiraz: PMV Method . IJE 2018; 21 (2) :5-31 URL: http://necjournals.ir/article-1-1405-en.html