Gas distribution networks in some cold regions of Iran face pressure dropand as a result,the gas cut off in winters. most of the time the increasing consumption in winter is stated as the main reason for this problem, while the increasing consumption, which is natural to some extent and also is a designing key parameter of the network, is not the only reason for gas cut off. Non-optimized network is a significant reason for gas pressure drop. In this research the gas distribution network of Babariz village, nearSanandaj city, is optimized by a heuristic algorithm. The results show that of the gas pipelines are over designed creates an additional cost of more than in the execution process of the gas network. Non-optimized gas distribution networks cause extra capital costs and execution expenses. Such networks make troubles in distributing and delivering gas to the consumers during critical periods of consumption.
Ebrahimi M. Technical and Economical Optimization of a Gas Distribution Network in Order to Find the Technical Reason for Gas Pressure Drop in Winter. IJE 2011; 13 (4) :1-10 URL: