A hybrid hydro/wind/photovoltaic base on hydrogen storage system is designed to supply power demand of pump stations. The aim of this design is minimization of net present cost of the hybrid system. Optimization problem is subject to reliable supply of the demand. The system is investigated in the north west of Iran (Meshkinshahr) and the local data is applied. About 12 pump stations are found in the Sabalan dam and far remote areas, which makes the task of their electrification via grid system very difficult. The hydro potentials are analyzed with the help of GIS data of Iran. Meteorological data from renewable energy organization (SUNA) of Iran and other sources, such as NASA, is used for the estimation of solar and wind energy potentials. In this paper, hydro/PV/wind/ fuel cell hybrid system is compared with above system without hydro unit. An advanced variation of Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (ABC) and HOMER optimization software is used to solve the optimization problem. The algorithm developed is compared with HOMER software and the results show that ABC algorithm accuracy is better than HOMER software. Result reveals the impact of components outages on the reliability and cost of the system, so they are directly dependent on component’s reliabilities, i.e. Outages result in need for a larger generating system for supplying the load with the acceptable reliability. Different system types and their component sizes are identified having a cost of energy less than 0.3 $/KWh.
Mostofi F, Shayeghi H, Kazemi karegar H. The optimum design of motorized PV shade and its impact on energy flow of a case study. IJE 2012; 15 (2) URL: http://necjournals.ir/article-1-369-en.html