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The 9th International Energy Conference
:: Volume 16, Issue 3 (10-2013) ::
IJE 2013, 16(3): 0-0 Back to browse issues page
Considering the effect of different parameters on the performance of solar air heaters
Vali Kalantar * , Mojgan Zare' Zadeh , Marjan Zare' Zadeh
, vkalantar@yazduni.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7077 Views)
Heated air has many applications in industry, agriculture, animal husbandry and home affairs . One way to produce heated air is using of solar energy in through solar air heaters. In this paper, performance of solar collector was considered in the steady state and in the form of 2-D and solar radiation and turbulent flow were accounted and the results is presented. Also, mass flux of produced heated air and the streamlines formation of air flow in the collector as well as the increase temperature were evaluated and the corresponding diagrams and their physical interpretation were presented. In this research, at the first, different geometries and mesh were evaluated and the results were compared and the best geometry was selected. Then, the distance between the absorber and the glass was varied and the influence of this distance was examined and the best geometry was found and the best state was selected. Then, with the optimistic state the size of inlet and outlet with different sizes was examined. The next parameter that is considered is the influence of the glass and also dulpexes of it. Also, the grooved surface of the absorber with three types of wavy triangle, rectangle and sinuous with different sizes was evaluated.
Keywords: Photovoltaic/thermal system, Thermosyphon, Filling ratio, Cooling of photovoltaic panel
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Energy Planning Models
Received: 2013/11/28 | Accepted: 2013/11/28 | Published: 2013/11/28
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Kalantar V, Zare' Zadeh M, Zare' Zadeh M. Considering the effect of different parameters on the performance of solar air heaters. IJE 2013; 16 (3)
URL: http://necjournals.ir/article-1-552-en.html

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Volume 16, Issue 3 (10-2013) Back to browse issues page
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