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The 9th International Energy Conference
:: Volume 23, Issue 1 (6-2020) ::
IJE 2020, 23(1): 161-191 Back to browse issues page
Optimization of Building Energy Consumption by Optimizing the Transparency Area of Outer Shell in Urban Block Scale: Case of Hemmatabad Worn-Out Area in Isfahan
Negin Sadeghi * , Masoud Shafiei Dastjerdi , Maryam Rafiee
Isfahan (khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran , ne.sadeghy@khuisf.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2362 Views)
Addressing the issue of energy in contemporary Iranian architecture is very important at all stages of planning, design, construction and operation, and the effort to coordinate and interact with the environment is always one of the foundations of sustainable construction. On the other hand, much of the city's surface is composed of worn-out areas with high levels of energy consumption. Heat dissipation from the transparent surfaces of dilapidated buildings is one of the factors, contributing to the increasing energy consumption. Attention to the exterior shell of the building, beyond the visual and aesthetic function, can be very effective in providing comfort and energy consumption for occupant. Therefore, the present study is conducted to optimize the transparent outer shell surfaces with respect to energy consumption in the urban block of Hammettabad worn-out texture. In this paper, the existing status of the block from the worn-out texture of Isfahan city was modeled, then the approved design of the area was modeled by applying the criteria of the National Building Regulations (Section 19). In the following two proposals, one is regarding the geometry of the land and the other is done by calculating the mass loading corresponding to the Isfahan climatically principles. Then, in order to optimize the transparent surface of the outer shell in the proposed designs, two simulation and analysis models were modeled. For the first time on the urban block scale, the precise level of the transparent surface of each front of the worn-out textured buildings in Hammettabad was determined. The optimization of the transparent surface area in building outer crust in the second option was 319.7 kWh compared to the current situation, 13.42 kWh / m2 compared to the approved plan at 0.36 kWh / m2 compared to the first proposed energy use alternative ,which prioritize the alternative on other options (status quo, approved plan and first proposed option).
Keywords: Building energy consumption, Transparent surfaces, Facade, Worn-out area
Full-Text [PDF 1057 kb]   (2681 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Others
Received: 2020/05/25 | Accepted: 2020/08/24 | Published: 2020/06/19
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Sadeghi N, Shafiei Dastjerdi M, Rafiee M. Optimization of Building Energy Consumption by Optimizing the Transparency Area of Outer Shell in Urban Block Scale: Case of Hemmatabad Worn-Out Area in Isfahan. IJE 2020; 23 (1) :161-191
URL: http://necjournals.ir/article-1-1552-en.html

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Volume 23, Issue 1 (6-2020) Back to browse issues page
نشریه انرژی ایران Iranian Journal of Energy
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